Thursday, May 17, 2012

Washington D.C. Conference

Sorry this is late, but better late then never.
So a few weeks ago my mom and I were invited to a FAS conference in Washington D.C.  We met alot of people, the Adult with FAS and the support people.  For three days we had different sessions, both together with the support people and by ourselves as the FAS Advocates.  We got to Washington D.C. a day early( monday). But the first actual day(tuesday) of the conference after a few group sesions. we all(FAS adults and the support people) took the subway to the National Mall.(where all the monuments are and the Smithsonian museum is. some people in the group wanted to go to the museum, and some wanted to see the monuments. Thats what my mom, and I, Rob and his sister did.  I saw the washington Monument, and the white house.  It was my first time in Washington D.C. so it was really cool.  I hope to go back someday to see the other monuments and the museum. 
That night  we had a poster session. and some people sold things they had made. Like me. I sold my Jewelry and made over $100. I had also brought a check for $150 from the money I made from what jewelry I had sold before the conference to give to a lady who works for NOFAS. and she also knows my friend Rob.
the other days we had sessions all day. in one of the sessions with just the Self Advocates we talked about how to get a Job.  It didn't really help me because I have a job. 
so that was pretty much it. and then we came back home on thursday night and I went to work Friday. and I have been working ever since.  My birthday was on Mother's day.
Here are some pics from the trip. and some of my paper bead bracelets

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