Tuesday, November 13, 2012

fall activities are done and so am I.

Yes I am done working. I have been for about 3 weeks now.  Lately I have been making paper beads and bracelets. And just yesterday I got a "bunch" of magazines from my aunt.  I use all sorts of paper from regular computer paper to magazines and newspaper to fun scrapbook paper. I have been asked to make more bracelets for another art fair that ARTS( in San Diego California) is having in April.
So here are some of the bracelets I have made.

from these to...

this. isn't it awesome
I thought this up all on my own.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Well I have been working now for about 3 weeks. and all is well.  Having fun with the kids and carrying out mums and pumpkins galore.
But in other news.  I just got an email today saying that all my paper bead bracelets that I sent to California
 sold. And the ARTS organization was very pleased.  and they want me to continue to make paper bead bracelet for them to sell.   I am more then willing to make more.  I enjoy doing it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back to work, fall activities

Yes I have started back to work Friday. And so far the two days that I have worked have gone by fast.  its good to be back.
In other news, last week Wednesday I sent out my paper bead bracelets to California.  and got an email saying they got there safely.  Now we want them to sell like hot cakes.
I am still working on bracelets and rings. but mostly the seed bead ones. Now that I am working I don't have  much time to make jewelry. Though I have finished a few bracelets that I started awhile ago including one I way making for my mom for her birthday.
Here are some pics of  what I have made lately
                                                                at the Fulton Street Market
                                                                only did the market for 3 weeks. not much luck the for my first time.

                                                                     a new kind of stitch learn online

Saturday, August 25, 2012

to market to market..

To market, to market, to sell some jewelry, home again home again. with some money!:-)  well the first time selling at the market was ok. I only sold 2 paper bead bracelets. but on the up side i did hand out alot of my cards. and i met a few people who knew someone who had FAS and thought it was a great thing I was doing.
I will be at the market again this coming week Tuesday. from 8am to?
I have been making a few more rings using different bead weaving stitches.I have also been making paper bead rings. to match some of the bracelets.
 I will have pics up soon.  other then that. the time to send my other paper beads bracelets to Cal. is coming soon. I got an email as a reminder today.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Selling in Town

My friend Rob and i went to the Fulton Farmers market to see if I could get a booth so i could sell my jewelry there.  I talked someone there and before I knew it. i was approved.  So I am able to sell my jewelry at the market. I am pretty excited.  I will be down there this week Tuesday.

                                          Paper bead bracelet I made for my sister, who is a senior this year.
                                                       Can you guess what these are?
A bracelet I finally finished. 
Right Angle Weave.
I have been working on finishing a lot of bracelets that i have started along time ago. and making new.   

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

lazy summer

Well I haven't been working all July and I won't be working in August either. but will be back at the greenhouse in September.

With this time off it gives me plenty of time to: make, glaze, and create. beads and bracelets.  I just got word that the Art fair in San diago isn't till October so I have alot of time to make more.  though I have made alot already.  I will be sending 30 of the bracelets to sell.  I am still excited and happy for this opportunity.  
And as you can see I have found creative ways to display my jewelry.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Email titled "bracelets"

The other day I recieved an email from a well known doctor in the FAS world.  He knows alot about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. He was at the conference in Washington D.C. And bought some of my bracelets. some with just seed beads and some with paper beads and seed beads.
he had given one of the paper bead bracelets to a friend who works for an organization called ARTS.(A  Reason  To Survive.)  and she is interested in selling my paper bead bracelets at there artfest coming up.  and this organization is in San Diago CA.  so I am going to send  them my paper bead bracelets
for them to sell.   I am pretty excited  about this opportunity, but alittle afraid to be sending my  bracelets by themselves.  I will keep you posted.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Washington D.C. Conference

Sorry this is late, but better late then never.
So a few weeks ago my mom and I were invited to a FAS conference in Washington D.C.  We met alot of people, the Adult with FAS and the support people.  For three days we had different sessions, both together with the support people and by ourselves as the FAS Advocates.  We got to Washington D.C. a day early( monday). But the first actual day(tuesday) of the conference after a few group sesions. we all(FAS adults and the support people) took the subway to the National Mall.(where all the monuments are and the Smithsonian museum is. some people in the group wanted to go to the museum, and some wanted to see the monuments. Thats what my mom, and I, Rob and his sister did.  I saw the washington Monument, and the white house.  It was my first time in Washington D.C. so it was really cool.  I hope to go back someday to see the other monuments and the museum. 
That night  we had a poster session. and some people sold things they had made. Like me. I sold my Jewelry and made over $100. I had also brought a check for $150 from the money I made from what jewelry I had sold before the conference to give to a lady who works for NOFAS. and she also knows my friend Rob.
the other days we had sessions all day. in one of the sessions with just the Self Advocates we talked about how to get a Job.  It didn't really help me because I have a job. 
so that was pretty much it. and then we came back home on thursday night and I went to work Friday. and I have been working ever since.  My birthday was on Mother's day.
Here are some pics from the trip. and some of my paper bead bracelets

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring has sprung?

That is a good question. one day its sunny and warm and the next its cloudy and cold, even with a little snow.  Would the weather just make up its mind. 
Well last week was Spring break for some of you.  It was for my younger siblings. So we went to Colorado to visit my brother and his family for a few days. on the way back we did some sit-seeing. and saw alot of cool things.  We even went on a tour of a cave.(one of the best things of the trip) it was a great time.

But now its back to reality oh and work. Lucky for me I don't go back til Friday.  so i am taking advantage of this time to make more paper beads.  I have made a couple bracelets with the paper beads.
In month my mom and I get the privailage to to a  National FAS conference in Washington D.C. I guess I am now part of a Self-advocate group for FAS.  Which that is what I am doing with my jewelry and my story.  We would like to prevent more babies being born with FAS.   I will also be selling my jewelry at the conference..     ( new camera takes great pics)

Monday, March 5, 2012

I am in the NOFAS newsletter

I am very privaliged to be in featured in this news letter and get the word out about FAS.
check it out.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NOFAS interview

A few weeks ago I was previlaged to have a phone interview with a lady from NOFAS(National Organization for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)  this interview, or should I say my story of what its like living with FAS. Is going to be on there electronic newsletter.  Yesterday the lady that interviewed me sent me the completed interview so I see if everything I said was right.  my interview is going to be in there news letter next week monday. and I think it will be up there for the month of March.  So this is another way of spreading the word about FAS.  I will have a link to it soon.  I am so excited, because I am going to be known nationally. Not just statewide.  
What I have been doing lately, well mostly making paper beads and crocheting. I have been getting some colored ones too from a lady at church. 
Oh and did I mention that in May my mom and I will be going to a FAS conference in Washington D.C.
for three days. I am excited about that too. because I might be selling my jewelry there. 

I wish I had pics to post, but have a broken camera. Hopefully I will get a new one soon. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

branching out.

My blog was mainly for the beadwoven jewelry I made. and for FAS awareness. though that is still the case. and the title was merely a pun. but now its not.  I am doing more craft things other then beaded jewelry.  I am crocheting with plastic bags, making small bags, purses, placemats, door mats.  and i might sell those too.  but just this week I have been interested in making paper beads.  and make jewelry with those.  I have been making them out of the scrapbook paper I have. I really don't scrapbook much anymore.(though I have TONS of pictures yet to get in a book.)  I think the designs on the paper is fun. I have made alot of paper beads in the last couple of days. I have some that have bugs on them, music notes, and stripes.  I will have pictures up soon.  Tomorrow is the phone conference for NOFAS I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

conference call

I have a conference call coming up next week thursday afternoon with a lady from NOFAS(National Organizion for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)  someone from nofas had recieved one of my card and shared it with her. and she contacted me and wanted  ask me a few questions about what its like having FAS. and what I would like others to know.  And its going to be up on there website. www.nofas.org
that si the organization I am giving the money I make from my jewelry to.  So I am pretty excited and honored. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Project 'USA" flag

Sunday night I started this project.  I am crocheting with plastic bags the USA flag. it is almost 3 feet wide and I don't know how long it will be.  I have done almost 5 of the stripes. so I have been working on it alot since sunday night.   I don't really have a goal to have it finish by a certain time.  here is a pic of what I have done so far.
this is one of the coin pouches I have made. I have two more in the works.

Friday, January 13, 2012

snow day

today is the first day we got alot of snow and its staying.  Its a good day to work on making jewelry, or atleast finish some I have started.   for the past couple weeks I have been working on making round coin pouches.  and i just got finished one yesterday complete with lining.  pictures to come.   No news in the FAS world that I know of.  I was going to go down to Arlington VA.for a FAS conference for a few days in may, but that got all changed(several times) now its in florida in March.  and I won't able to go.  My hope is that I get to to atleast one conference this year. I thinkit would be a good experience.  so for now I will just  be spreading the news by blogging

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New year 2012

I have to say 2011 was a great year for me.  I went on anxiety meds, and I started my own business (i guess you can say)  and friendships grew.  I am hoping that this year and just a great as last year. I the last few weeks I have been working  on jewelry.  and  learned how to make a beaded purse.  (i will have pics up when its all done.)  Unfortunately the jewelry that I had displayed at Urban mill didn't sell.  i thought it would be a great thing for Christmas gifts.  Oh well.  I am planning on maybe doing some craft shows this year. and spread the word of FAS that way.  My Christmas was good even though none of my sibling that live out of state came home for it. 

Here are some pics: